The Code for FizzBuzz.

                    //get values from the user. We need to get the fizz and the buzz value. 

function getValues(){

    //get the user values from the page
    let fizzValue = document.getElementById("fizzValue").value;
    let buzzValue = document.getElementById("buzzValue").value;

    //parse for numbers
    fizzValue = parseInt(fizzValue);
    buzzValue = parseInt(buzzValue);

    //check that the numbers are integers

    if(Number.isInteger(fizzValue) && Number.isInteger(buzzValue)){
        //we need to call fizzBuzz
        let fbArray = fizzBuzz(fizzValue, buzzValue);
        //we need to call displayNumbers
    } else{
        alert("You must enter integers");

// do fizz buzz
function fizzBuzz(fizzValue, buzzValue)
  //init the returnArray
  let returnArray = [];

  //loop from 1 to 100
    for (let i = 1; i <= 100; i++){
        //check to see if divisible by both 3 and 5.
        //check to see if divisible by fizz value (3)
        //check to see if divisible by buzz value (5)
        if(i % fizzValue == 0 && i % buzzValue == 0){
        }else if (i % fizzValue == 0) {
        }else if (i % buzzValue == 0) {
        } else {
    return returnArray;


//loop over the array and create a tablerow  for each item.
function displayData(fbArray){

    //get the table body element from the page
    let tableBody = document.getElementById("results");

    //get the template row
    let templateRow = document.getElementById("fbTemplate");

    //clear the table first
    tableBody.innerHTML = "";

    for (let index = 0; index < fbArray.length; index += 5) {
        let tableRow = document.importNode(templateRow.content, true);

        //grab the td to put into array
        let rowCols = tableRow.querySelectorAll("td");

        rowCols[0].textContent = fbArray[index];

        rowCols[1].classList.add(fbArray[index + 1]);
        rowCols[1].textContent = fbArray[index+1];

        rowCols[2].classList.add(fbArray[index + 2]);
        rowCols[2].textContent = fbArray[index+2];

        rowCols[3].classList.add(fbArray[index + 3]);
        rowCols[3].textContent = fbArray[index+3];

        rowCols[4].classList.add(fbArray[index + 4]);
        rowCols[4].textContent = fbArray[index+4];

    //add all the rows to the table.



This was a good challenge and practice getting my head around using loop statements, modulus, boolean logic, to change the data in a array.